The Government introduced changes to The Children and Families Act in March 2014 to improve services for children and young people and their families.  These changes will make sure there is a greater “integration between educational provisions and training provision, health and social care provision, where this would promote wellbeing and improve the quality of provision for disabled young people and those with SEN”. 

The ‘Local Offer’ enables families to access and get support from a range of local agencies, from the Local Authority, health services, schools, leisure services and the voluntary sector. The offer will include provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.

At Park View Primary Academy we are committed to providing an inclusive education for all our children.  This means that any child who may have Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND) will have access to additional or specialist support throughout their life at our academy.

Our Senco works closely with the class teacher, the child and parents to ensure the correct support is given.

Support may be given in a number of ways, which may include :

  • Working within a smaller group with differentiated learning goals
  • Working with 1-1 support
  • Special intervention groups
  • Pastoral care groups

For those children with more complex needs, we work alongside outside agencies, healthcare & other educational professionals. The academy may also be given additional funding to ensure that those children continue to have extra support whilst at school.  If a child has severe / complex / lifelong needs, they may need more targeted support and this will be specified on an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).


The Reading Enhanced Curriculum (REC) was created with our most vulnerable pupils at the forefront of the designing and development process. The curriculum is highly ambitious for pupils with SEND ensuring that they develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence.
The REC gives children the opportunity to present their learning in different ways, ensuring any barriers to learning are removed. Our pupils with SEND access all areas of the curriculum, it is not narrowed. When appropriate, assistive technology, is used effectively to develop and support independence.

Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENDCo)

Mrs Fiona Shepherd

If you need to contact Mrs Shepherd, please email to : info@pvpa.org.uk